• DE

House and bathing rules of Therme Erding

1. commitment and purpose 

Therme Erding is a facility designed to provide every guest with the highest level of recreation, relaxation and fun. The house and bathing rules are binding for all guests of Therme Erding as well as all other rules. The statutory regulations apply to their inclusion in the contract concluded at the ticket desk. 

The house and bathing rules apply to the general bathing, slide and sauna operations of the entire Therme Erding. Exceptions may be permitted in the case of special events without the need for a special waiver of the house and bathing rules. 

The parking regulations are a contractual component of the house and bathing regulations of Therme Erding and are posted on the premises and in the car park. 

The staff or other representatives of the baths shall exercise domiciliary rights. Instructions given by staff or other representatives must be followed. Users who violate the house and bathing rules may be expelled from the premises. In the event of expulsion from the pool, the admission fee will not be refunded. The user of the bath is expressly reserved the right to prove that in this case the bath operator is not entitled to any remuneration or to a considerably lower remuneration than the full admission fee. In addition, a ban from the premises may be imposed by the management or its representatives. 

Anyone who commits a criminal offence, gains unlawful access to the premises and operating facilities, deliberately fails to pay a fee or attempts to do so, or uses services for which a fee is charged, will be immediately expelled from the pool and must expect to be charged with a criminal offence. 

The marked and designated areas of the premises are under video surveillance for security reasons. The requirements of the Federal Data Protection Act, in particular § 4, are complied with. Stored data will be deleted immediately if it is no longer necessary or if interests worthy of protection of the persons concerned oppose further storage. 

Political actions, events, demonstrations, the distribution of printed matter, the posting of posters or notices, the collection of signature lists and the use of the baths for commercial or other purposes not customary at the baths are prohibited and, in special cases, only permitted with the approval of the management.. 


2. Opening, admission, entry 

The opening hours of Therme Erding are set by the management and publicly announced in the reception hall. The bathing times are based on the purchased tariffs. If these are exceeded, a corresponding amount must be paid in arrears. The closing times refer to the time of leaving the building. The bathing time in the Therme, Vitaloase, VitalTherme & Saunen, the slides and the wave pool ends 20 minutes before closing, i.e. these areas must be left at this time. 

The use of the multi-storey car park - and parking spaces is exclusively for guests of Therme Erding and half an hour before to half an hour after the opening hours of Therme Erding. 
By entering the Therme Erding (the grounds and the premises) and solving an admission with the handing over of the transponder (data carrier about the services used in the Therme Erding) and the locker key, each visitor accepts the house and bathing rules. 

The receipt issued when purchasing the access authorisation must be kept until leaving the bath. Each user must be in possession of a valid access authorisation for the respective area of use. Upon entering the area of use, it is not permitted to pass on the admission ticket or access authorisation. 

An interruption of the stay on the already paid tariff is excluded. 

Each visitor must keep his or her key, transponder and rented linen in such a way as to prevent loss. The first two items mentioned must be worn on the body (wristband) at all times during the entire stay, must be kept with the visitor when travelling in the bath and must not be left unattended. Failure to comply with these requirements shall constitute culpable conduct on the part of the guest in the event of loss. In the event of a dispute, it is the guest's responsibility to prove that the aforementioned proper safekeeping has been observed. In the event of culpable loss of access authorisation to cloakroom locker keys, data carriers of the payment system or items on loan, a lump sum of currently 45 euros (key with transponder) or a deposit of 30 or 15 euros (items on loan) shall be charged, which shall not exceed the damage to be expected in the ordinary course of events. The respective amount is listed in the valid price list. If the key is found again, the amount will be refunded minus the actual costs incurred. The visitor is expressly permitted to prove that Therme Erding has not incurred any damage at all or that the damage is significantly lower than the flat-rate amount. Therme Erding shall be permitted to prove that a higher loss has been incurred. 

Redeemed admissions, value vouchers, ThermeCards and time credits will not be taken back and cannot be offset. For vouchers that have been lost or not redeemed, no replacement will be provided, nor will any money be refunded. Double discounting of any kind is fundamentally excluded. Change must be checked immediately, later complaints will not be accepted. 

When purchasing a ThermenCard (money value card), a deposit of €10 will be charged, which will be refunded when the card is returned. ThermenCards will be replaced in the event of loss on presentation of official identification and proof of purchase and payment of a processing fee of €15 (€10 deposit for a new ThermenCard + €5 processing). 

The management may restrict the use and offer of Therme Erding in whole or in part at any time (including operational disruptions, renovations, revision). Claims against the operator or a reduction of the paid admission fee are excluded for this reason. 

If parts of the facility cannot be used due to photo and film shoots, events, courses, etc., there is no entitlement to a refund or reduction of the admission fee. 

Persons who are helpless or require supervision due to a severe physical or mental disability may only visit Therme Erding with an adult and suitable accompanying person. This also applies to persons with a tendency to cramp, fainting or epilepsy, as well as cardiovascular diseases. 

Non-swimmers and children under 12 years of age are only allowed to enter the Therme Erding if accompanied by a suitable and responsible person. 

The following persons are not permitted to enter Therme Erding 

  • with infectious or notifiable communicable diseases (in case of doubt, a medical certificate may be required) 
  • with open wounds
  • who are drunk or under the influence of intoxicating substances. 

Animals are not allowed on the premises. 


3. Behaviour, bathing, staying 

Every guest must behave in such a way that safety, order, cleanliness and good manners are not endangered within Therme Erding. 

The purchase of an admission ticket does not entitle the guest to participate in the free additional programme or to a seat or lounger. 

The reservation of seating and lounging areas with towels, bags or other objects is not permitted. If objects are placed there for this purpose, they may be removed by the Therme Erding staff independently or upon request by guests. In designated areas, guests are explicitly advised to remove occupied loungers.

Attractions and offers (e.g. slides, playground equipment, saunas, etc...) may only be used within the official operating hours. Information boards and staff instructions must be observed and complied with without exception.

Every guest must be aware of the increased risk of accidents in pools due to wet floor surfaces. Therefore, special caution is required in all guest areas and non-slip bathing shoes should always be worn outside the pools. 

The staff of Therme Erding will decide on the temporary use of sports, play or animation equipment (balls, snorkels, etc...) brought in by visitors on the basis of visitor frequency. 

Wilful soiling will be subject to a cleaning fee of € 30. In the chargeable area of the Royal Day Spa (Lounge & Dreams, massage suites) and the Galaxy Lounges, the costs are based on the effort and category of the soiled area. If a bathing guest finds his or her cubicle, locker, etc. soiled, he or she must report this to the staff immediately. The changing rooms are to be used alone as a matter of principle. 

Every guest of Therme Erding is obliged to clean himself thoroughly before entering the guest areas. Soap or other body cleansers and creams may not be used outside the shower facilities. Brush massages are not permitted in the entire facility for hygienic reasons. 

Ventilation shafts on the window facades as well as all doors (especially emergency exits) may not be occupied or blocked with couches, bags, towels or other objects. 
In consideration of the need for peace and quiet of all guests, quiet is to be observed in the entire bathing and rest area and especially in the saunas and steam baths. 

The exchange of affection is to be reduced to a minimum; in the bathing facilities (sauna cabins, steam baths, whirlpools, thermal water pools, etc.) and reclining areas this is to be avoided altogether. Sexual acts and depictions will be punished with a ban from the premises and criminal charges. 

The consumption of alcohol is limited to an acceptable level. Therme Erding reserves the right to limit the serving of alcoholic beverages in principle and per guest, as well as to prohibit the further consumption of alcoholic guests and to expel them from the pool in the event of danger or disruption to pool operations.


4. sauna and wellness 

Admission to the VitalTherme & Saunas and the VitalOase is only permitted from the age of 16. Use of the saunas under the influence of alcohol is prohibited. 

The VitalTherme & Saunas is a textile-free zone. This area is not to be understood as a facility for naturism. A bathrobe or towel must therefore be put on at the end of the thermal bath or sauna bath, including the necessary cooling down phase. This also applies to the catering areas. 

Before using the facilities, guests must clean themselves thoroughly and dry off. 

In the sweat chambers, a sufficiently large towel must be placed under the entire body (including the feet) in order to avoid any contamination of the benches. 

You are not allowed to bring your own infusion products and use them in the sauna. Infusions may only be performed by Therme Erding staff. 

Traditionally, special conditions exist in sauna and other sweat rooms, such as higher room temperatures, dimmed lighting, stepped benches and different heat sources. These require special care from the guest. 

In principle, only healthy persons may use the sauna facilities. In case of doubt, it is advisable to consult a doctor in advance to rule out possible complications. 

Technical installations (e.g. radiators, ventilation inlets, sauna heating units/stoves, protective grids and measuring sensors) must not be covered with objects/towels (fire hazard!).


5. slides and playground equipment 

The use of the slides and playground equipment is at your own risk. Use under the influence of alcohol is prohibited. Children up to 12 years of age must always be supervised on the slides by their parents or a suitable and responsible person. 

The rules and instructions on the notice boards at the start of the slides or on the play equipment must be observed and complied with without exception when using the slides. 

Non-swimmers are not allowed to use the red and black slides. The slides marked blue may only be used by non-swimmers with swimming aids. 

Please note in particular: 

The access to the slides is to be used with special care and consideration for other bathers. Running is expressly prohibited! 

The slides may only be used after clearance with sufficient safety distance. 

The posted safety instructions and the electronic displays and turnstiles, if present, must be observed. 

The slide exit must be left immediately after sliding. 

The operator is not responsible for damage to swimwear that may be caused by sliding. 

In particular, the following are prohibited 

  • any other slide position than the one prescribed in each case. 
  • Holding in the slide area. 
  • To use the "Magic Eye" and "Space Glider" tyre slides without tyres. 
  • Running into the slides from below. 

Children aged 0-6 are prohibited from using certain slides unless accompanied by a parent or an adult authorised by the parent. In this case, the children must be secured from behind by the adults in the entire slide area. When sliding, the child must always be placed in front of the adult. The age limits for the individual slides must always be observed. 

A ban may be imposed in the event of non-compliance. 


6. special provisions 

It is not permitted 

  • to run. 
  • block emergency exits with couches or other objects. 
  • to enter the barefoot aisle in front of the cloakroom lockers, the shower rooms and the entire guest area with street shoes. 
  • to shave or dye their hair. 
  • to have pedicures/manicures outside the treatment rooms provided for this purpose. 
  • to bring food and drinks (especially alcoholic beverages) as well as objects that break easily under the influence of force (e.g. glass, porcelain). 
  • bring weapons or tools into the facility. 
  • pollute the bathing areas and the swimming pools (e.g. urinating in bathing water, rinsing out cups, washing off beauty masks etc...). 
  • spit on the floor or in the bathing water. 
  • smoke (including electronic cigarettes). This does not apply to the designated smoking areas with ashtrays in the outdoor guest areas). 
  • enter or leave the pools - except via the stairs, access ladders and the wave exit area. Due to the risk of injury, this applies in particular to entering the pool surrounds and covers. In the wave pool, exiting via the boarding ladders is only permitted when the waves are not in operation. The signs in the wave pool must be followed. 
  • jump into the water from the pool edges and the grotto or push or throw other persons into the water. 
  • to perform gymnastics on the access ladders or other handrails. 
  • wear bathing shoes or flippers in the water. 
  • Use air mattresses or similar water play equipment. 
  • use mobile phones. 
  • bring and use radios, televisions, musical and signalling instruments and binoculars. 
  • to take photographs and make films. 
  • distribute advertising material of any kind; this also applies to the car parks. 
  • to collect money of any kind. 
  • to use diving goggles and swimming goggles in the pools in areas where there is no clothing. 
  • Use the Therme Erding and its premises for commercial, unlawful or otherwise inappropriate purposes. 

Food and drinks from the restaurants may only be consumed in the restaurant areas provided for this purpose, on the terraces, in the outdoor area or at the bar areas. 


7. Liability 

All facilities and equipment of Therme Erding are to be treated with care by the guests. 

Every guest is liable for damage caused by misuse, culpable soiling or damage to Therme Erding, its car park or third parties. 

Parents or legal guardians are liable for damage caused by children. 

Therme Erding and its employees shall be liable for damage to property and consequential financial losses resulting therefrom up to an insured sum of € 10 million, simply limited per insurance year, insofar as Therme Erding or its employees are responsible for the damage. Therme Erding shall only be liable for pure financial losses in the event of intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the operator, its legal representative or vicarious agents. 

As a matter of principle, Therme Erding shall not be liable for any damage suffered by bathers. This shall not apply to liability due to a breach of an essential contractual obligation and to liability due to damage suffered by the guest of Therme Erding as a result of injury to life, limb or health, nor to damage suffered by the guest of Therme Erding as a result of an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty on the part of the operator, its legal representatives or vicarious agents. Material contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment makes the proper performance of the contract possible in the first place and on whose compliance the guest of Therme Erding may regularly rely. Essential contractual obligations of Therme Erding include in particular, but are not limited to, the use of the facilities of Therme Erding, unless these are partially blocked for compelling operational reasons, as well as participation in the events offered and included in the admission fee. 

The limitation of liability pursuant to sentence 2 also applies to vehicles parked in the parking spaces of Therme Erding. 

No liability can be accepted for vehicles parked in the car parks or in the multi-storey car park for damage, destruction or loss of the vehicles by third parties. The general road traffic regulations apply both in the multi-storey car park and in all traffic areas of Therme Erding. Guests at Therme Erding are expressly advised not to take any valuables into the pool. If guests of Therme Erding nevertheless take valuables with them, they are advised to deposit them in the individual safe deposit boxes in the access areas and in the VitalTherme & Saunen. Therme Erding does not assume any guarding or duty of care for valuables that are nevertheless brought along. Therme Erding shall only be liable for the loss of valuables, cash and clothing in accordance with the statutory provisions. This also applies in the event of damage by third parties. This also applies if these have been locked in the cloakroom locker and / or valuables locker. The depositing of money and valuables in a cloakroom locker and/or a valuables locker provided by the operator does not constitute any obligations on the part of Therme Erding with regard to the deposited items. In particular, no safekeeping obligations are established. It is the sole responsibility of the guest of Therme Erding, when using a cloakroom locker and / or safe deposit box, to lock them properly, to check that the respective device is securely locked and to keep the keys carefully. 

No liability is accepted for our supplementary offers such as masks, peelings, infusions etc. and any skin irritations that may occur as a result. This exclusion of liability also applies to any soiling of textiles caused as a result. 

The operator accepts no liability for any discolouration, bleaching or damage to swimwear or jewellery/watches, as this may occur due to the nature of the water (sulphur). 

The use of all facilities of Therme Erding, in particular the attractions, the playground, the slides, the wave pool as well as the free play areas, is at your own risk, notwithstanding the obligation of the operator to keep Therme Erding in a roadworthy condition. 

Therme Erding shall not be liable in the event of force majeure and coincidence as well as defects that occur or are not immediately detected even if the usual care is exercised (e.g. power failure). 

Objects found in the baths or in the multi-storey car park must be handed in at reception. All items left lying around will be collected and stored after the end of the bathing season. Lost property is kept for 2 months, valuables for 6 months. If lost property is not collected, it will be donated to a charitable institution. 


In wintry weather, there may be limited winter services both in the parking and outdoor areas and in the garden and outdoor pool areas of Therme Erding. Use of the outdoor areas in winter weather is always at your own risk.


8. miscellaneous 

Complaints, requests or suggestions can be made to any member of the Therme Erding staff.

will be pleased to receive them. 
The operator is not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. 

The reservation and use of the Galaxy Family Lounges is subject to the following conditions AGB der Therme Erding Familienbad GmbH

The reservation and use of the Royal Day Spa Lounges are subject to the AGB des Royal Day Spa der Therme Erding Vital GmbH


9. entry into force 

The House and Bathing Rules shall enter into force on 1st December 2022. The previously valid version dated 13th June 2022 shall cease to apply at the same time. 


Erding, 1st December 2022

Jörg Wund 
Managing Director